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A-list – The Anthology
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You Asked | Style in Vancouver

Claire writes:

I am visiting Vancouver for a few days from Australia and I want to explore some gorgeous stylish boutiques. I like your style so thought you might be able to recommend some?

Why yes, yes I can. These 16 only-in-Vancouver shops are just a few of my many, many favourites.

Main Street

Vincent Park, it’s tiny and it’s packed with collections you don’t often see in Vancouver.

Umeboshi, a shoe box-sized shoe store.

Eugene Choo for clothes and their Annex for accessories.


LYNNsteven, which has one of the coolest change rooms you’ve ever seen — made of books.

The Block, a cornerstone of the district for years.

Secret Location, where this  photo was taken.

One of a Few, which you could say is one of a kind.

Charlie and Lee, the coolest!


The Cross, long one of my favourite decor stores (and now a client of mine).

Espace d., modern, minimalist home accessories.

Basquiat, for gorgeous clothes.

South Granville

Oliver and Lilly’s, where I interviewed designer Heidi Merrick.

Peridot, for homeware that probably won’t fit in your suitcase but is worth checking out anyway.

Kits and Point Grey

Rebecca Bree, who gave us this look inside her shop when it first opened.

Gravity Pope, which is packed with shoes galore.

Happy shopping!

P.S While you’re in Vancouver — or even if you live here — these 29 delightfully touristy things make for a fun weekend.

P.P.S. Find answers to your most burning questions like Shannon’s What to wear on TV? Meg’s How do you start out as a copywriter? Tara’s How do you make your blog look better? Emilie’s How do you gain exposure? And Shona’s How do you do it?

P.P.P.S. Have a question you’d like a reeeeeally long answer to? Send it to KDundon@TheAnthology.ca

The Anthology’s Most Ridiculous Moments of 2012

If 2011 was the year of Miss America, friendly Sasquatches and granny nighties, then 2012 was all about psychedelic wine, chest hair and grown men singing “MMMBop.” Herewith, The Anthology’s most ridiculous moments of the past year.

9. The series I hosted for Vitamin Daily and Tourism Kelowna in which we treated wine-making with the stoicism it deserves.

8. The ridiculously fun Social Feed x The Anthology event where we wined and dined in support of Dress for Success Vancouver. The event sold out ridiculously fast — faster in fact than any Social Feed before it. You guys are the best! (Photos by superstar photographer Maurice Li.)

7. A trip to New York in which my girlfriends and I discovered just how far you can walk in 5-inch heels. (All the way across the Brooklyn Bridge, apparently.)

6. Then there’s the trip to Seattle in which my ladyfriends and I ate everything but cheesecake.

5. A lifestyle segment I did for PC Home’s Terra Gear on CTV in which host Aamer Haleem camped out on set.

Which brings me to number 4. Camping on the ridiculously beautiful Oregon Coast, where I failed miserably in my attempt at lumberjacking.

3. The fleeting moment in which photographer Barry Gnyp’s dog Lola agreed to pose for the Freedman Shoes SS/12 Campaign (which I directed) and the even more fleeting moment in which she posed exactly like the made-of-newspaper dog.

2. The time I scouted some of the best dressed festival goers at Coachella. And yes, this guy made the list.

1. Though really, for me, 2012 will always be the year I met Hanson at the PNE. Grown men singing “MMMbop?” Ridiculously irresistible.

Happy New Year, friends! See you in 2013!

P.S. Make your 2013 your best yet and like The Anthology on Facebook and tweet along with @TheAnthology.

A-List | Fiction to curl up with

Amanda writes:

I’m such a big fan of your blog! You have amazing style and I look to you for a lot of my own outfit inspiration. I especially love reading about your travels, from your vineyard trips to outings with your adorable doggy. From a recent book post, I decided to take Glamorama and The Beautiful and Damned on my last trip. Thanks for the great suggestions!

Thanks, Amanda! Hope you’re going on another trip soon because Katie Burnett has compiled another reading list, perfect for fall…

Fall is upon us, and that means it’s back to school and work, drudging through the books and other documents that are forced upon us. Since the weather is turning, and the movies won’t be interesting till Oscar season [except for Looper. It’s amazing! — Kelsey], relaxing with some fiction will be just what you need. Here are four great fiction novels to bury your head in.

1. Play it as it Lays by Joan Didion

Joan Didion is a famed essayist, novelist, playwright, screenwriter and altogether legend. Her books of essays never cease to dazzle and engage me, and her novel “Play It As It Lays” is a disturbingly good look at Hollywood in the 1970’s. A best-seller when it came out, it follows the troubled actress Mariah as she recovers from a breakdown. Slowly but surely we learn about her life in Beverly Hills with her husband, a director, and how a life of glamour and glitz isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be.

Further reading: Try Didion’s essays like the collection “The White Album” about life in California in the 1970’s, or what is perhaps her most famous work, “The Year of Magical Thinking”, a harrowing and eloquent book about loss.

2. No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy

This is both a formidable film and novel, and I can assure you even if you’ve seen the film, it’s worth reading the book. From the first page it will possess you and I can assure you, you won’t want to put it down! Part of Cormac McCarthy’s “Border Trilogy” novels, this one takes place along the US-Mexico border and follows three very different men – a sociopathic killer, a sheriff, and a war vet – as their lives intersect after a drug deal has gone awry. It is an engrossing and brilliant novel that is so beautifully written, it’s no wonder the author has won a Pulitzer Prize!

Javier Bardem is still hot as a psycho in a funny wig: Even if you’ve seen the film before, it’s worth a watch after reading the novel – the Cohen brothers, in top form as always, did a phenomenal job of capturing the mood and brilliance of the novel.

3. The Emperor’s Children by Claire Messud

Set in New York City, “The Emperor’s Children” is a dazzling novel and social satire focused around a group of friends who haven’t quite achieved all they’ve wanted to by 30, and a troubled college dropout who goes to stay with his uncle in the Big Apple. Naturally, trouble ensues as everyone’s lives intersect, and it’s an incredibly multilayered story that is as captivating as it is troubling.

Fun to note: Noah Baumbach has long been attached to direct a film version of the book!

4. Savages by Don Winslow

You may have seen the Oliver Stone-directed film “Savages” this summer, based on Don Winslow’s book, which had its moments, but the book is phenomenal. Completely engaging, the story follows two best friends in California who grow and sell weed, while also sharing a girlfriend. When the Mexican cartels want a piece of them and they decline, their girlfriend is kidnapped, and they have to go rescue her. The book is written in a prose that is super unique and you won’t be able to put this down. In fact, I picked it up at a bookstore and was so into it, I had to sit and read it all in one go. It’s a fun, fast and entertaining read, and even if you’ve seen the film, I promise you’ll want to read the book for more details and twists, and a very different ending.

After you’re done: Don Winslow has recently released a prequel, “The Kings of Cool.”

P.S. Catch up on Katie Burnett’s earlier dispatches, like her recent recommended reads and add to your “When I’m in London” list: Sundays on Brick LaneSaturdays in Camden TownFriday nights at the theatre, and East Coast nostalgia.

A-List | Must-See Summer Flicks (nope, not the superhero ones…)

In The Anthology’s A-list column (“A” stands for Anthology, in case you haven’t had your coffee yet) we tabulate a few of the very best things in life. Here, writer and actress Katie Burnett shares her favourite summer films…

I love the beach as much as the next person but I can’t do it every day (unless I was in Hawaii. Then I could do it every day. If you’re in Hawaii, go back to enjoying the beach). But when it’s boiling hot and you need an alternative, there’s nothing I love more than an afternoon at the movies. Thanks to crazy publicity and marketing, we know the usual ones that are coming out – Spiderman, Batman, Avengers but let’s not forget there are some brilliant indie movies out in theatres and on the horizon that are also worth your $10.

And hey, they’re usually only two hours, so you can still catch some rays after!

Moonrise Kingdom

Wes Anderson delivers another classic film that is so beautiful, so entertaining, so heartfelt, so funny it is not to be missed. If you haven’t seen it, go now. Like right now. It’s a wonderful story of two 12 year olds who run away together, but it is so much more than that. If you know Wes Anderson, you know all his films are so detailed and artistic you want nothing more than to climb in and be a part of one. I’d personally like to climb into this one and hug Edward Norton. Just saying.

Need more Wes Anderson after seeing Moonrise Kingdom? Check out “The Darjeeling Limited”, “The Royal Tenenbaums” and “The Life Aquatic!”

The Intouchables

Straight from France is The Intouchables. Based on a true story, it tells the tale of a paraplegic man and the unexpected friendship he forges with his live-in carer. Francois Cluzet, one of my French crushes (he joins Jean Dujardin, Guillaume Canet and Gilles Lellouche!) stars alongside Omar Sy (who beat out Jean Dujardin at last year’s prestigious Cesar awards) in this unforgettable film that is one of France’s most popular and most successful. You gotta trust a country that can give us Brie, L’aduree and Marion Cotillard, right?

Looking for more French cinema? Try “Tell No One”, “Little White Lies” or “2 Days in Paris!”

Celeste and Jesse Forever

Come August, I’m really looking forward to seeing Rashida Jones and Andy Samberg as a divorcing couple who try to maintain their friendship while dating other people. Looks messy, looks funny, and it had great reviews coming out of Sundance. Who’s coming with me?

Magic Mike

Okay, so it’s not an indie movie, but have you seen Magic Mike yet? Why not? Come on. Seriously. No, like go right now. DROP EVERYTHING AND GO RIGHT NOW. (And tell your boyfriend it’s because you love Steven Soderbergh.)

P.S. Catch up on Katie Burnett’s earlier dispatches, like her favourite spots in Paris, her list of must-reads, her East Coast nostalgia and her favourite ways to spend time in London —  Sundays on Brick LaneSaturdays in Camden Town, and Friday nights at the theatre.

The A-list | Great Reads

In The Anthology’s A-list column (“A” stands for Anthology, in case you haven’t had your coffee yet) we tabulate a few of the very best things in life. This list of must-reads is compiled by Katie Burnett, a friend, actress and writer living in London. Now you’ll know what to crack open when you’re done reading The Hunger Games

Is it time for summer yet? I am very ready for some sun, and while I always get into a panic when my TV shows go on hiatus for a few months, it means I can finally pay attention to my very, very large pile of books all begging for my attention. So if you’re looking for some books for the plane, the pool or for fun, here are my picks for summer reading.

1. Just Kids by Patti Smith

I am beyond obsessed with this book about the early beginnings of the “godmother of punk”, Patti Smith. It is a detailed account of her pre-fame life with the artist Robert Mapplethorpe, littered with stories of life in the iconic Chelsea Hotel, nights spent in proximity to Andy Warhol, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and the struggles an artist faces. It is a beautiful, sad, poetic and fascinating book that is not to be missed.

2. Born to Run by Christopher McDougall

Here’s the thing – some people love to run, others hate it. I love to run but it took me years before I could proudly declare it, and I still wake up very sure I should stay in bed instead of lacing up and going outside. But when I’m in my Lululemons, with the right music in my ears, I can go forever. Or, like, an hour. Christopher McDougall’s book is a breathtaking look at the evolution of running, of ultra-marathons, and the people who run them. The author goes down to find a deeply hidden tribe of people in Mexico who are the fastest long distance runners in the world, for whom running is not just recreational but is what shapes their lives. Every chapter is an intriguing feast for the senses, and a constant reminder and inspiration to get on the running shoes and run not just because we can, but because we were born to do so.

3. The Beautiful and Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald

If you’re mine and Kelsey’s age then Leonardo DiCaprio was your first and potentially favourite boyfriend, thanks to Romeo and Juliet and Titanic. I am a massive fan of The Great Gatsby and can’t wait to see Leo as the great Jay, but since that’s not coming out till Christmas 2012, why not revisit Fitzgerald’s other classic novels in the meantime? I love The Beautiful and Damned, and how it portrays life in the Jazz Age and the enigmatic world of the elite in 1920’s. If you can’t get anywhere this summer, might as well escape to another era with Anthony and Gloria Patch.

Fun fact – this book has long been thought to be based on Fitzgerald’s marriage to Zelda. Why not check out Woody Allen’s glorious Midnight in Paris and see Allison Pill and Tom Hiddleston recreate Scott and Zelda?

4. Glamorama by Bret Easton Ellis

Bret Easton Ellis books are not for the faint hearted, and you’ll understand if you’ve read American Psycho or The Rules of Attraction (or seen the films!) Glamorama is no exception, as it dives into the world of a 90’s supermodel and is a totally satirical look at celebrity. Victor Ward is a vapid model and wannabe actor who gets involved in a dangerous international model terrorists….sounds nutty, yes, but thoroughly entertaining, especially as Ellis’s attention to detail is amazing to the point of unnerving.

P.S. Catch up on Katie Burnett’s earlier dispatches and add to your “When I’m in London” list: Sundays on Brick LaneSaturdays in Camden TownFriday nights at the theatre, and East Coast nostalgia.

The A-list | Long weekend

In The Anthology’s A-list column (“A” stands for Anthology, in case you haven’t had your coffee yet) we tabulate a few of the very best things in life.


Let’s count down the ten most fun, relaxing things to do on a lazy long weekend. It’s (eep!) the last one of summer, so let’s make the most of it…

10. Spend the whole day by the water. Oceanside, lakeside, bird bath-side — it doesn’t matter.

9. Go for a bike ride and see if you can balance your friend on your handlebars like you could when you were 12.

8. Host an al fresco dinner party.

7. Unplug your TV.

6. Gather all your friends for happy hour.

5. Pick up a book. And actually read it.

4. Play a board game. Or a garden game (bocce, anyone?). As long as it requires neither wires nor an outlet, I’m game.

3. Set sail on a boat. A BC Ferry counts.

2. Challenge your friends to a corn-on-the-cob-eating contest. (I’d beat all of you combined.)

1. Throw a dance party under the stars.

[Photo by Andrew Dalik, courtesy of Toronto-based director Philip Lyall.]

What’s your very favourite thing to do on a long weekend — sleep until noon? Stay out until sunrise? Do tell!

The A-list | Top five performances of Coachella 2011

It’s a tough job trying to pinpoint the top five performances of Coachella 2011, but somebody’s got to do it.


So after braving sun stroke, risking hearing loss and enduring a weekend of porta-potties, I can confidently list the top five performances of Coachella 2011.


5. Phantogram
I sacrificed seeing the Strokes and Chromeo to catch them (Coachella scheduling conflicts are the worst). But Phantogram’s performance was well worth it. If only because it solidified my girl crush on singer/keyboardist Sarah Barthel.

4. Arcade Fire
They’re Arcade Fire. And unless you’ve been quoted on Who Is Arcade Fire? you understand why they’re incredible.

Judging by the way she was dancing around in her little red-and-white one-piece, even Katy Perry enjoyed his show.

2. Empire of the Sun
They brought the weird. And that made them wonderful.


1. !!! (Chk Chk Chk)
I’ve seen them at big outdoor festivals and in tiny clubs and they always put on the most amazingly fun shows. Take a look at this clip and you’ll be buying tickets to their next concert pronto.

[My dress is courtesy of Banana Republic, tie-dyed vest from Mimi & Coco.]

P.S. Add The Anthology on Facebook and it’ll become one of your top five favourite pages.

The A-list | The 10 best designer outlets in the world

All right, travel bugs, book your plane tickets! Writer and blogger Amy Chan has compiled a list of the world’s 10 best designer outlets. Don’t forget to bring an empty suitcase.

Designer digs for a fraction of the price. Yes please. Check out these outlets that offer heavily discounted luxury items from just a season or two past.


Also, if you’re from the US or Canada and shopping at one of the outlets in Europe, don’t forget to claim your tax refund of 12% upon returning home.

Continue Reading

The A-list | Vintage shopping cheat sheet

Some might say my vintage shopping is a little out of control. But I do it all for you. I swear.

How else could I answer Nicole’s question? She asked via Facebook which Vancouver vintage shops are my favourite. The short answer is Deluxe Junk in Gastown, F as in Frank on Main Street and Burcu’s Angels off Main, among many, many others.

See? My shopping is selfless.


Now, because I want nothing but the best for all y’all, I thought I’d update my guide to vintage shopping. (If you want a crash course, watch this clip where I take the camera crew from The Express on one of my excursions.) Below, you’ll find The Anthology’s top ten tips to sourcing spectacular vintage finds:

10. Be happy. If you’re not, it’s probably not the best time to wade through the peach palazzo pants in search of a treasure.

9. Hunt with an open mind. You can’t go searching for a midnight-blue floor-length sequin gown, you have to wait for it to find you. And when you do find a beauty, buy it. Even if it’s out of season. You’ll always need another dress to wear to the ballet.

8. Bring a friend. I would have never found this red leather skirt if my girlfriend Laura hadn’t spotted it. Just don’t bring your boyfriend. Or your mother. Or anyone who’s going to rush you. These things take time.


7. Short on time? Head for the accessories section — you don’t have to hit the change room to figure out if a belt, scarf or handbag is perfect for you.

6. Be adventurous. Thrift stores, which don’t curate their offerings the same way vintage stores do, can also have amazing finds. You just need to be a little elitist. Thrift stores in the ritzier parts of town tend to get donations from the ritzier parts of town (which means you’re more likely to find an Yves Saint Laurent scarf or, for that matter, an Yves Saint Laurent belt). My sister Larissa never fails to find the wacky and wonderful at the Sally Ann on fourth avenue in Vancouver.

5. Think outside the shop. You can’t even imagine the gems I’ve found at antique fairs, church sales and private school fairs (like Saint George’s and York House, to name a few).

4. Become best friends with your tailor. It’s so much easier than learning to use a sewing machine. I take almost every one of my vintage treasures to Oakridge Tailors before I wear it. That’s how my vintage wedding dress (pictured below) became a ballet-length beauty. But don’t forget that can add anywhere from $20 to $120 to the price of the piece.


3. Seek perfection. If it’s not in pristine, like-it-was-only-worn-once condition, put it back on the rack. But don’t worry if it doesn’t fit you perfectly. Your tailor is your best friend, remember?

2. Wash before you wear. Take your new-to-you skirt/dress/jacket to the dry cleaner. But this too can add big bucks ($50 for a leather skirt, $150 for a leather jacket).

1. And last, but not least… if you’re not into the hunting part of the treasure hunt, head straight to online supershops like Shrimpton Couture and Girl on a Vine where you’ll find nothing but amazing pieces. And if you’ve got something specific in mind, like, say, an eel skin purse, try Etsy.

Many of you are vintage connoisseurs — have anything to add to my list? Leave a comment. And if you have any questions about anything vintage or otherwise, ask via Facebook or send me an email at theanthology@live.com.

The A-list | Los Angeles: City of Angels and ridiculous experiences

I just got back and, in the interest of sharing, I thought I’d compile a list of some of my most memorable experiences.


All of which I’d highly recommend you try.


1. Engage in intense eye contact with Pierce Brosnan. Some might call it staring. I prefer to call it “sharing a moment”. (As for whether he was thinking “My god, that woman is stunning.” Or “My god, why is that woman wearing an old Canucks t-shirt and maple leaf mittens?” we’ll never know for sure.) [Photo found here.]


2. Attend a Canucks/Kings game with Posh and Becks. Even if “with” really means “sitting across the arena from.”


3. Shop like a local. [Photo found here.]


4. Get offered a fake rolex and a real live bunny rabbit on Venice Beach. [Photo found here.]


5. Have lunch at Gjelina. Just don’t try to ask for any modifications. They won’t even take the bacon out of your BLT. [Photo found here.]


6. Stroll through galleries and vintage shops on Abbot Kinney and imagine you’re furnishing your $4m Abbot Kinney apartment. [Photo found here.]


7. Eat at Pizzeria Mozza. Remember that pizza scene in Eat Pray Love? I’m willing to bet this pizza is better (especially if you try the one with stracchino, artichokes, lemon and olives). [Photo found here.]


8. See Miike Snow at Club Nokia. Actually it doesn’t matter where you see them. They’d be amazing in a parking lot. [Photo found here.]

Oh, Los Angeles, I miss you already. I’ll be back real soon, I promise.

P.S. The Anthology likes you a lot. You should like it too.