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Diary | Hanson and Data at the PNE – The Anthology

Diary | Hanson and Data at the PNE

I must be part carny because there’s nothing I love more than going to the PNE (Vancouver’s exhibition and fair) at the end of every summer. What’s not to love? It’s the land of ferris wheels and ring tosses…

…deep-fried Oreos and $25 hot dogs (I’m not even exaggerating).

Oh, and also these guys. Who you probably recognize from 1997. Or maybe you don’t because Taylor and Zac Hanson are no longer in their tweens (nor is their eldest Hanson brother Ike) but they are as delightfully boy band-y as ever.

You want to know what was the trippiest part of going to the PNE this year? It wasn’t sitting on the bridge of the Enterprise at the Star Trek Exhibition (though I got a real kick out of that), it was hearing grown men sing “MMMBop.”

Thank you, Team PNE, for such a fun evening!

P.S. You know where 2012 has 1997 beat? You can follow The Anthology on Facebook and Twitter @TheAnthology.

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  • Reply Kastles August 30, 2012 at 11:22 am

    Favourite blog post ever! :) hahaha. That sounds like a fun time to me :)
    <3 Kastles

  • Reply Kelly August 30, 2012 at 12:22 pm

    I would have to agree about Hanson being as delightful as ever, but disagree about them being “boy band-y” as they never have, and never will, do dance routines.

  • Reply Zoe August 30, 2012 at 5:02 pm

    Hello! Love this post; I was at PNE the other night and had a totally rad time. When did you meet&greet? Lucky lady! :)

  • Reply Kelsey Dundon August 31, 2012 at 2:19 pm

    Kastles — And how!

    Kelly — You’re SO RIGHT! I should have given them a little talking to about that.

    Zoe — Isn’t it so much fun? We met them before the show. My girlfriends and I were so nervous you would have thought we were 12 years old.

  • Reply Happy Halloween! | The Anthology October 31, 2012 at 1:06 pm

    […] I love any holiday that has its own kitschy, catchy tunes. I can’t wait until it’s time to play Hanson’s Merry Christmas Baby again (who am I kidding — I’ll listen to Hanson any time). […]

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