
The Anthology is a celebration of all things beautiful — style, decor, and design — edited by Vancouver-based copywriter and creative director Kelsey Dundon.

An engaging public speaker, Kelsey has extensive experience in live television (you’ll find a sampling of the press she’s received here) and is frequently invited to speak on communications panels. In fact, she helped develop the digital communications continuing studies program at Simon Fraser University, one of Canada’s top universities.

A versatile writer with a passion for the arts, Kelsey’s articles for Western Canada’s biggest publications have been syndicated right across the country. Kelsey spent six years as a copywriter at Vancouver’s largest independent advertising agency before leaving to start Northill Creative, a firm that specializes in writing and creative consulting for lifestyle brands.

Have a question? A suggestion? An invitation? Send a note to KDundon@TheAnthology.ca.
Follow on Instagram: @KelseyDundon
Like on Facebook: @TheAnthology.ca
Follow on Pinterest: @KelseyDundon
Follow on Twitter: @TheAnthology

[First photo by Trevor Brady, second photo by Sherry Lu.]

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  • Reply J.Crew store tour with Tom Mora & Frank Muytjens | LittleFashionisto April 24, 2012 at 5:06 pm

    […] to the beautiful Kelsey Dundon of The Anthonlogy for taking my photo with Tom and Frank. I also had an amazing time with fellow bloggers, Erica Lam […]

  • Reply You Asked | How Do You Do It? | The Anthology June 27, 2012 at 7:15 pm

    […] About […]

  • Reply Falling for Freedman | July 9, 2012 at 10:36 pm

    […] loved working with Kelsey Dundon and Dawn Newton so much the first time, I did it all over again this past […]

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