Style | Coachella Festival Street Style

Wait. What?! You’re going to the second weekend of Coachella? Then this is me making a ugh-whatever-talk-to-the-hand face at you. How dare you not take me too?

K, now I’m over it. We can be besties again.

For all you weekend two-ers (and all of you who love looking at pretty people in the sunshine), here are a few of my favourite festival style shots from weekend one. They’ll answer your most burning question: What on earth to wear with a wristband?

Skirts and dresses with boots because a) it’s cute and b) it’s smart. How else are you supposed to keep your toes safe from that dude jumping up a storm in front of you?

Light, muted colours because all that black and grey you wear in the city has no place in the bright, shiny desert. (Peep the dude in the bottom left corner of this picture; you should def. bring him with you.)

A gigantic smile. Because you’re at Coachella for Pete’s sake.

Lipstick! Because no one can see your eye makeup behind those sunny G’s anyway.

And if the temperature starts to dip you’ll look very Coolchella in high-waisted jeans a la my favourite TV host (and one of my BFFs) Jessi Cruickshank.

And if it starts to really, really dip, you’ll be very Coldchella in an oversized men’s wool sweater, cords and boots. Could I possibly look any more un-California? I mean really. But it was hailing at one point so I had no choice but to bundle the heck up. (Stark contrast to my t-shirt-only looks of years past, huh?)

Lucky for all you weekend two-ers, it doesn’t look like you’ll have to worry about anything but the sun.

Oh, you were wondering what the trendsetting gents were wearing? Well, there’s really only one look that matters.

P.S. You’ll find more beautiful Coachella people and styles right here.

P.P.S. I’ll be sharing more photos on Facebook so like The Anthology.

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  • Reply Andrea April 19, 2012 at 9:41 pm

    Boots are so the way to go! Keep the toesies happy.

  • Reply Coachella 2012 Style « Fossil Blog April 23, 2012 at 10:03 am

    […] via The Anthology, Be Lighter, Broke & Chic, and Type […]

  • Reply VancityAllie April 23, 2012 at 12:49 pm

    Haha! Wow so many different styles. I particularly like the variety of sunglasses…. and boots! Cute post.

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  • Reply Amelia May 14, 2012 at 10:25 pm

    I LOVE the blue and white striped shirtdress…any idea where it’s from? Thanks!

  • Reply Kelsey Dundon May 15, 2012 at 2:02 pm

    Amelia — It’s from H&M in LA. Happy shopping!

  • Reply Amelia May 15, 2012 at 3:39 pm

    Thank you so much!!

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