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The Anthology

I love to live vicariously


And when that’s vicariously vintage shopping, well all the better. This guest post is from Leigh, a fellow Style Spy Girl of the Week, who just moved to Kelowna from Vancouver.

My first mission as a new Kelownian (if that’s the correct phrase) was to secure a handful of go-to vintage shops and cute, unique, one-of-a-kind boutiques. I always think it feels a bit like a treasure hunt when you’re in a new city, scouring the side streets and excitedly exploring the little neighbourhoods, searching for that perfect gem of a store.  

Frock Kelowna

In my quest for some new fashionable discoveries, I unexpectedly came across a charming consignment boutique called Frock.

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Typically when we go for a walk

I wear my bright red Queen’s sweatpants from the year 2000 (best gift ever, Laura, Anji and KJ).

walking Leroy

But when we go in the morning, my walk wear is work wear.

broach necklace

The pendant was my mom’s brooch from the sixties, which means it can fasten to tube tops and jumpsuits too. 


The skirt’s vintage — it’s made of really thick felt, but what I love most about it is its wacky and wonderful colour.

There’s little hope

Leroy will turn out to be a well disciplined dog.

Leroy digging

Because whenever I see him pull a stunt like this I just laugh.

leroy flower pot

And then I take pictures.


Is potting soil really that comfy, pup?

Afters are the best

And now that spring’s (finally) here a sun dress “after” shot seems about right.

vintage sun dress

Took me a while to figure out if I’d chop this bad boy or not (why did I ever hesitate?).

gold necklaces

Even when it was longer, it screamed “music festival” to me. Now, I think it’d be pretty perfect for my trip to Turkey too.

I left the antique fair without this

Thankfully I circled back to get this men’s battledress jacket.

mens army jacket

Note the date sewn into the inside.

army jacket detail

It’s so much more hardcore than the pretty little sequin sweater and razzle-dazzle-y jacket I also got that day.

army jacket buckle

I would obsess and obsess for weeks (months? years?) if I didn’t go back to get it. Are you like that? Please tell me I’m not alone.


The Anthology is three months old! Thank you for all your lovely comments and brilliant guest posts. And thank you for joining the Anthology on Facebook and Twitter (ahhhh technology).


Thanks for setting up the site, Dana. Couldn’t have done it without you (seriously, installing widget plugins and hard coding header images — are you kidding me?).

Now, as hard as it is to pick favourites, I’ve selected some of my most beloved posts from the past month: they’re the ones about tea-party dresses, bolo ties and reinvented wonders.

What’s even better than a guest post?

A guest post about a city I’m desperate to visit. Before her jet lag had even worn off, Liv from It’s a Beautiful Life contributed this post about Hong Kong (with a bit of Shanghai to make me extra envious).

I was much honored to be asked by The Anthology to write a guest post; it’s been so much fun watching this blog grow and I look forward to the updates in my RSS reader every day. I recently went on a whirlwind of a trip to Asia to two very happening cities: Hong Kong and Shanghai.

Liv HK

I was born in Hong Kong so going back is like slipping on a pair of well-worn jeans — the comfort of familiarity sinks in as I drive past the dazzling city lights and formidable skyscrapers.

As for Shanghai, well I was a Shanghai virgin.  It is fascinating city which not only shows the best of East meets West but is also a great example of China’s economic progress.  Construction is everywhere, and the well-heeled Shanghainese strut their stuff on the great catwalks of Shanghai.

I’ve put together my hot list for Hong Kong – a composite of places and things I love. I hope you get to visit them soon.
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