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I’m sweet on you


February 14th is a day we celebrate love — love of candy hearts, love of chocolate, love of chubby cherubs. Since I’m Valentine’s Day’s number one fan, I thought I’d compile a list of seven ways to get into the VDay zone. You know, in case you’re bored of romantic candle-lit dinners and bubble baths.

1. Make like you’re in grade three and send Valentines to all your friends (“If you were a nose, I’d totally pick you”).

2. Eat cinnamon hearts until your mouth’s on fire and your tongue’s dyed red.

3. Wear red and pink from head to toe. Because today there’s no such thing as clashing colours.

4. See how many sentences you can make out of candy hearts (“Awesome smile, love bird. Fax me.”).

5. Be someone’s secret admirer. Because it’s fun to keep ’em guessing.

6. Watch Romeo + Juliet for the umpteenth time. Because Baz Luhrmann is b-b-b-bad to the bone.

7. Write a love poem for your loved one (“Roses are red, violets are blue. If you were a nose, I’d totally pick you.”).

[Photo found here.]

P.S. Be my Valentine and add The Anthology on Facebook.

A Day In My Life

Is featured on the lovely LA-based blog DesignLoveFest. And you better believe I worked this guy into it (nobody said it had to be a day in my real life)…


Take a look here. Thanks again, Bri!

Nummer Ni (That’s “number nine” in Norwegian, according to Google Translate)

As we count down The Anthology’s most ridiculous moments of 2010, I would like to present to you…


9. Forget David Beckham and his Armani underwear ads, the most ridiculous sports/fashion cross-polination has to be Team Norway’s curling pants at the 2010 Winter Olympics. The red, the white, the beige, the blue. The clown-like diamond print. They made a sports fan out of me. And if they don’t inspire a million knock-offs in 2011, I don’t know what will.

P.S. Check out the number ten most ridiculous moment of 2010 here.

Lovers of pampering, rejoice!

For there’s a new spa in town.


Frilly Lilly has opened its first confectionary-inspired location in Vancouver.


And I was at the opening party. (Seemingly lost in thought — about the meaning of life or manicures, I can’t remember.)


With much of the interior designed by my favourite Vancouver-based home decor store, The Cross, the space is beautiful.


Wore a vintage sequin cardigan, plum-coloured silk button up shirt.


And my favourite suede shorts.


The best part of the night? I was sent home with a goodie bag filled with their sugary sweet products. And I’ve been rejoicing ever since.

[First, second, third, and sixth photos by Melissa Skoda.]

P.S. Lovers of Facebook, rejoice! For The Anthology is on it.

Getting down to fashion business

“I used to think Vancouver fashion was an oxymoron,” said Imran Amed, editor of Business of Fashion, at this week’s Digital Revolution event. (To which I say: What, fleece jackets and yoga pants aren’t fashion?)


But Amed’s emphasis was on the “used to” because Vancouver fashion is oh so real. And this event, hosted by Alexandra Suhner Isenberg of Searching For Style, is proof that this city’s fashion community is a strong one.

Presented in the form of an on-stage interview (think Oprah, but without the cameras) the Harvard-educated Amed shared his insights on how the digital revolution affects fashion.


So what did we learn? Smart brands use digital marketing, well, smartly. Take Burberry, for example. Brilliant new media strategies helped turn the house from the “chav” brand it was in the late 90s to the coveted one it is today (you’ve seen how cool The Art of the Trench is, haven’t you? It’s all about real people with real style).

Amed also pointed to Arcade Fire’s new interactive film The Wilderness Downtown as a nifty example of personalizing a consumer’s experience (just watch the film, you’ll see what he means). It’s not fashion, but its rapid spread through the worldwide web makes an interesting case study.


Oh, and Amed believes bloggers are here to stay. To which I say: Woot! Woot!

P.S. Make like a bird and tweet with me.

I’m thrilled!

And I’m also blushing because wrote this feature on the Anthology/my face.


Thank you, Teresa!

My apologies to Fred Astaire, but I don’t remember where I found this image. If you know the photo credit, please send me a note.

I’d like to imagine

that when my friends and I get together we’d play the tambourine, discuss philosophy and be all artsy.


Instead we drink cheap beer and watch reruns of 30 Rock.

Image from Pandora.