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Trippin’ | Sunning Myself on BC’s Sunshine Coast – The Anthology

Trippin’ | Sunning Myself on BC’s Sunshine Coast

White sand beaches are nice and all, but I’d take a rocky coast any day. I love the dramatic waterfront of Hvar, Croatia, Antalya, Turkey and, a little closer to home, Egmont, BC, where I spent the other weekend on a cliff overlooking a fjord (that’s the view from my balcony in the photo above).

My favourite thing about the West Coast Wilderness Lodge where I stayed (aside from the fact that I was the first person to stay in my brand new room)? No cell reception, no internet —  just huckleberries that match my nail polish (Trout Pout by Butter London) and a nearby bake shop that serves killer freshly baked cinnamon buns.

Oh, and also the photo booth that was brought in for the wedding I attended there (congratulations Nadia and Jamie!). Like stunning coastlines, I can never get enough of those things.

P.S. While you still have an internet connection, follow The Anthology on Facebook and @TheAnthology!

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  • Reply Liv August 2, 2012 at 8:47 pm

    beautiful photographs! Looks like a super place to go for a weekend.

  • Reply Kelsey Dundon August 13, 2012 at 8:56 am

    It’s such a treat — so remote and so beautiful. An AMAZING venue for a wedding!

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