FYI (For Your Inspiration)

I absolutely love finding out what inspires other people. Me? I’m inspired by magazines, beautiful photos, gorgeous workspaces and other people’s mood boards.


The clippings and cut-outs and collages and collections — they’re all absolutely fascinating. The one above is from Apartment Therapy.


The fish is my favourite part of this Lanvin mood board (photo from The Selby). Who knows how it might swim its way into a collection.


Though sometimes it’s just about capturing a certain spirit, or mood, if you will. Which I think the leather camera case does perfectly in this mood board by J. Crew’s Frank Muytjens (photo from the New York Times).


And then there’s my own desk, which for years has housed the clipping of the old man — it makes me laugh because I own everything he’s wearing. Except for the corduroy pants.

What inspires you? Say the Anthology and I’ll love you forever.

I love that something from the late 80s/early 90s

can be considered conservative…


even if it’s plastered with abstract turquoise, pink and red shapes.


It’s by Jones New York, so you know it was meant to be quiet, tasteful. At least by the standards of the day.


I found it at F as in Frank (which is, on a side note, where Anthology reader Sally found her rad new belt and necklace).

j crew pocket square

And I wore it with a scarf! Well, actually a men’s pocket square from J. Crew, but I still think that means I’m sticking to my midsummer’s resolution.

I don’t mean to embarrass you…

but can I please just take a moment to tell you how much I love you guys? Your comments, your guest posts, your emails, your support on Facebook and Twitter make me such a happy little blogger.

And when you pass along awards? I just want to give you a big virtual hug.


I received the Stylish Blogger award from not one, but two of the most inspiring people in the blogosphere: Dream Sequins and Hauteworld, who tagged me to list the 10 things that create my unique style. So here we go:

1. I mix and match shamelessly.
2. I’m probably wearing your grandma’s old brooch.
3. I will wear my husband’s shirts, my sister’s shoes and my mom’s old necklaces. Together.
4. I like jewel tones. I have fair, fair skin so light colours can easily send my complexion into zombie territory.
5.  I think the perfect outfit is made of a dress from Value Village and shoes from Holt Renfrew.
6.  I’m probably wearing your grade school teacher’s skirt.
7.  Costume jewelry is my best friend, but I’m also really good friends with jewelry jewelry.
8.  I wear my skirts short.
9.  I douse myself in Stella by Stella McCartney.
10.  I love when clothes and accessories remind me of far-off places, which is why I tend to shop more when I’m traveling.


I’d like to pass it along to a few glamourous bloggers: Shoes from Around the Globe (you blow my mind every day), Cafe Fashionista (your blog always make me laugh), Couture Carrie (you have such an eye), It’s a Beautiful Life (I wouldn’t have started the Anthology if it weren’t for you) and Option8 (your posts are dazzling, dahling).


The ridiculously kind Shoes From Around the Globe passed along the Circle of Friends award, which I’d like to award to my blogging BFFs (my BBFFs, if you will): Haute World (even though reading your blog tortures me), Dream Sequins (you are the one who is beyond gorgeous), Vancity Allie (you make me want to spend more time outdoors), Room 907 (I love you, man), The Extrovert (even though you’re my sister, you can still be my friend).

What would I do without you guys? No really. What would I do? Cook more?

The grey t-shirt you can wear with everything

Love my American Apparel track tee.


The beautiful thing about it? It works just as well with a tuxedo jacket and shbooties as it does with sweatpants. Plus, it’s softer than a pile of kittens.


My power ring is from the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul.


The two gold chains are vintage (just saw quite a selection of them at F as in Frank today, if you’re looking for something similar). The beaded necklace I made using my ma’s pendant from the 50’s.


My jeans are Mynk. They were hole-less when I bought them, but I roughed them up using as cheese grater and a pair of scissors after Leroy (in a fit of puppy-ness) ripped them.


Thanks pup.

Walking in the clouds

Well, more like hiking through the rain and fog on our trek up Mount Seymour Peak yesterday.


It was absolutely gorgeous in the eeriest way. As we scaled rocks and hugged cliffs near the third peak, we could barely see in front of us. It felt like something out of the Lord of the Rings.


There was no view, but I’m told on a sunny day you’d see all of Vancouver.


Though every one of us woke up sore (it was a lot of uphill and followed by a lot of downhill), I think the puppy might have had the best time of all.


When we got home all he did was look out the window. Breaks my heart.

If you’ve got a favourite hike in Vancouver, Whistler, Seattle, wherever, let me know — Leroy will thank you.

I have more scarves than I have ways to wear them.

Mostly because whenever I go to a thrift store or an old ladies’ church group sale, I come home with bags full.


And whenever I think of tying a scarf, I think of the knot Audrey tied in Roman Holiday.

roman holiday audrey hepburn

Which is cute and classic (not unlike Audrey herself, come to think of it).


But when I saw this photo from the Satorialist it reminded me of all the ways I’m not wearing my scarves — wrapped around my wrist, tied up as halter tops, stuffed into a pocket as a pocket square.


So I made a midsummer’s resolution: I’m going to start wearing more scarves more ways. They’re too pretty to stay in my closet.

Who looks this good

running down the street, rushing to make sure they’re on time for a wedding?


My girlfriends, that’s who.


Anji’s distressed leather clutch is vintage. So, so jealous of that find.


Laura’s shoes are Alexander McQueen.


Turns out they’re good for running. We made it to the church on time.

There’s something about a red jacket

that makes me feel so Canadian.


All I need is a horse, a wicked hat and those puffy pants to complete the look.


Image from the Jasper National Journal.



The jacket was a thrift store find. It was actually the buttons sold me. They’re not exactly Mountie-esque, but they do work beautifully with my love of all things nautical.


And the colour matches my nail polish, which I did not do on purpose.


I swear.