The Anthology’s Pinstagram column marries the dream (Pinterest) and the reality (Instagram).
Pretty in… The RACHEL Rachel Roy dress I wore to interview the designer + a pink bow I’d wear everywhere.
Red squared. A model getting made up before the LOULOU Magazine event at Metropolis at Metrotown + a pair of red shoes that almost perfectly match her hair colour.
Natural beauty. An arrangement from a wedding (congratulations Matt and Megs!) + a place I’d fall in love with.
Graceful greys. Joe Fresh’s moody fall palette + a moody evening sky.
Bright lights. Martha Sturdy’s illuminated orb sculptures (available at Provide) + an illuminated model.
Sunny side up. Sunflowers for a September baby (happy birthday, Elisa!) + a not-so-sunny cat.
Crown jewels. A vintage varsity sweater that would be a gem if it weren’t from a rival high school + some paper gems.
Big sky. Life under the open sky in my MINI Roadster convertible (which you can win, by the way!) + life in the even more open sky.
P.S. Follow Kelsey Dundon on Pinterest and Instagram, or if you prefer a more traditional route, add The Anthology on Facebook and Twitter.
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