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If the puppy were better trained, I might very well take him hiking this weekend. 


Not that we have terrain like this anywhere near Vancouver (it’s all trees and mountains and lakes and ocean around here), but there’s something about getting outside that reminds me how small we are. Which I find refreshing.

Photo by the amazing Neil Krug via the lovely blog Ten Thousand Things.

Summer summer summertime

There is nothing — absolutely nothing — that reminds me of summertime as a child quite like freezies do. Fighting over the red ones, trying desperately to suck all the colour right out of the ice, cutting the corners of your mouth on the plastic edges. That’s summer to me.


This gorgeous photo was taken by Graeme, an art director I work with (you can find more of his photos on Flickr under Grrambo — a nickname I take full credit for). He took this photo of freezies in his backyard. “And then I ate them all,” he says.

Speaking of happy things, I’ve compiled my own happy list which you can find at the beeeautiful .v.

A happy list

.v — an Australian graphic designer — stocks her beautiful blog with happy lists, which I always find so inspiring (who doesn’t love contemplating what brings you joy?). She was kind enough to contribute a list of her own here.


It could be 5000 things, she says, but she’s narrowed it down to 5:
1. warm autumn days.. not too hot not too cold… right now is my favorite time of year.
2. french films.. just because.
3. books… all books. novels, picture books.. there is nothing better than being lost in a good book.
4. vogue.. i have stacks of them. i love flicking through them whenever.. and the fashion is always amazing. 
5. picnics.. sitting with friends in the park eating good food is always wonderful and very happy

Thank you .v! You’ve inspired me to watch Amelie again.

My former roommate Julia supports good causes

A few weeks ago she did the MS Society Super Cities Walk in Toronto, where she now lives, and contributed this guest post. 

As a transplanted and oft-homesick Vancouverite, it’s important for me to find things about the T-dot O-dot that I like.


One of those is exercise for a good cause. 


Another is gorgeous sunshine (even if those trees are a little barren).


And little guys like Finn here don’t hurt, either.

Julia’s inspired me. So I’m going to join Team Jack of Hearts led by Jack Stuart, a very charismatic kid who also happens to be this year’s ambassador for the Telus Walk to Cure Diabetes.


If you’re in Canada, you can visit his site and join his team for the walk on Sunday, May 31st. And if you’re not, but you’d still like to support his cause, you can pledge Jack and support the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Thanks again, Julia.

A true snow baby


whistler puppy

If you asked Leroy, he’d probably tell you Whistler is his new favourite place.


lost lake puppy

Much of it, like Lost Lake, is still covered in snow. And so, so beautiful.

puppy whistler

He spent forever running and digging and having the time of his life. Right up until a cranky old corgie ruined his fun. 

puppy snow

What is it about the snow that’s just so, so much fun?

So much cooler than a seating chart

Attended a wedding at the beautiful Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre in Whistler yesterday. Loved everything from the mini cheesecakes to the bride’s red ballet flats, but especially loved that they used Ukrainian eggs to let guests know their table number.

ukrainian easter egg

Each hand-painted egg had a tag with a guest’s name and table number on it. If I had thought of something like that, I would have made my little Ukrainian mama so proud.

Ukrainian egg puppy

Leroy also loved them. Little thief.

Happy Easter! And congratulations again, Kirstin and David.

Absolute mama’s boy

I didn’t realize how much Leroy had changed until I stumbled upon this photo.


His ears were so floppy, his fur so fuzzy (and his paws so huge). Thought I’d include a shot of someone who still weighs 8 lbs.

tuxedo cat zebra blanket

My little Bernie cat.

Three trips to the beach

And still the baby beast prefers dry land.

puppy in Kits Vancouver

Spent the whole weekend by the water and Leroy barely dipped his toes in the surf. This photo makes me smile, though. Partly because he looks so thrilled to be leaving the beach and partly because my city looks so pretty in the background.