The Anthology’s Pinstagram column marries the dream (Pinterest) and the reality (Kelsey Dundon’s Instagram photos of places and faces in and around Vancouver).
Cat ears and cat eyes. When I styled a back-to-school shoot I fell in love with this kiddie cat ear headband and I always love beautifully executed liner.
Flatastic. I spent a good portion of my weekend running around in these olive TOMS and I’d happily spend a good portion of my week rotating between these flats.
Barely there. This Bare Knitwear scarf (handmade in Vancouver!) is going to keep me mighty warm come fall and these metallic leather shorts would keep me very cool.
Wolves and pups. My little pup loved the mural outside Gjelina in LA and I love the ferocity of these overlapping wolves.
Midas likes it. Mr. T was my muse when I layered on those necklaces and he’d definitely approve of these magical playing cards from Anthropologie.
P.S. There are more photos where these came from so add The Anthology on Facebook and follow@KelseyDundon on Instagram.