The Anthology’s Pinstagram column marries the dream (Pinterest) and the reality (Kelsey Dundon’s Instagram photos of places and faces in and around Vancouver).
Beasts among us. Hanging with my crew (wearing my favourite rainy day in the woods look: lululemon headband, Canada Goose Hybridge Lite Hoodie, J.Crew Toothpick Cords and Cougar boots) + a beautiful, beast-ful editorial.
Art attack! TPacked walls at the Emily Carr Student Art Sale + a rather magnificent piece.
Rattan-a-tat-tat. The beautiful change area at Eastwood Cycle Sanctuary + a beautiful outdoor space.
A view and a half. Stunning False Creek during a morning run + a camp spot that beats any hotel.
Blue and yellow. A floral print by KT and Paul + an eclectic home.
P.S. There are more photos where these came from so add The Anthology on Facebook and follow @KelseyDundon on Instagram.
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