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I’ve been to Shakespeare’s Globe in London – The Anthology

I’ve been to Shakespeare’s Globe in London

And I’ve been to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland. But I had never been to Bard on the Beach in my very own city. Until now.

Went to their production of Antony and Cleopatra this weekend (loved it!) and learned a few things from the experience:


1. Date night at Bard on the Beach > date night on the couch. Got that, gentlemen?


2. Tents have roofs. So even if you go on a day that’s less spectacular than this one, you don’t have to worry about a little Vancouver sky water ruining your night.


3. Cleopatra might be your next girl crush. She is a is a feisty, captivating woman (played by Jennifer Lines, pictured centre, with Almeera Jiwa and Sarah Afful, photo by David Blue).


4. Tents are breezy. So at the risk of sounding like your mother, bring your favourite vintage faux fur jacket with you.


5. Cleopatra has more fake gold than you do. And she has more costume changes than Cher. Costume designer Mara Gottler did a beautiful job.


6. Vancouver makes the most beautiful backdrop you could ask for. I’m sorry London, my apologies Ashland, but it’s true. (Photo by David Blue.)


7. Seats are cushy. I stood for all three hours of Romeo and Juliet at the Globe (which was amazing, actually) but you won’t be on your feet at Vanier Park (just make sure you get there early enough to reserve seats — they aren’t assigned).


8. Unless you speak Shakespeare fluently, you’ll want to read the synopsis beforehand. My husband didn’t and at one point, he leaned over to me and whispered “I understand about two percent of what’s going on.” (He crammed during intermission and was fine for the second half.)

9. You can eat licorice allsorts in the theatre! Some of us find that very exciting.

Antony and Cleopatra plays until September 24. Have you been to Bard on the Beach? What did you think?

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  • Reply Tweets that mention I’ve been to Shakespeare’s Globe in London | The Anthology -- Topsy.com June 28, 2010 at 8:59 pm

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kelsey Dundon, Melissa K. Melissa K said: RT @TheAnthology: Tents have roofs… and seven other things I learned @BardOnTheBeach: http://is.gd/d8oJO […]

  • Reply Vinci June 28, 2010 at 10:15 pm

    Hey, I’m so glad you went to Bard on the Beach! I went on a clear summer’s day and watched “Love’s Labour’s Lost” while the sun was setting. It was absolutely spectacular. I got about half of what they were saying so good tip about reading the synopsis. I’m for sure going to Anthony and Cleopatra. It looks amazing :D

  • Reply MizzJ June 28, 2010 at 11:34 pm

    Which night did you go? I was there on Friday evening! It was quite entertaining. haha I just concentrate harder on what’s being said and was able to follow the “Shakespeare” lingo ;) but yes thank goodness for the synopsis!

  • Reply camille June 29, 2010 at 4:18 am

    Love Bard on the Beach, and you’re right, Mara Gottler is a god. The costumes are always excellent.

    I was going to say I wish we had an equivalent here, but it wouldn’t be as good without that same backdrop.

  • Reply mc June 29, 2010 at 8:58 am

    yes, that was a fun time, and a very good performance. even when i had no idea what was going on, i knew i was watching something good.

    i would suggest that in the future they offer the type of licorice allsorts that include those little men and the jelly one with the sprinkles.

  • Reply Couture Carrie June 29, 2010 at 9:25 am

    Gorgeous post, darling!
    Love the faux fur!


  • Reply janettaylor June 29, 2010 at 10:15 am

    Great post!

  • Reply erin June 29, 2010 at 10:54 am

    fun! i haven’t been in years and i really want to go this year!

  • Reply aliciafashionista June 29, 2010 at 11:40 am

    Great post, thanks so much for letting us know how Bard was! I have been meaning to go with Adam for oh, 3 years now! I am definitely going this year…thanks again!

  • Reply Irina June 29, 2010 at 6:05 pm

    I’m going. Are the seats cushy?

  • Reply Irina June 29, 2010 at 6:07 pm

    Change that to how cushy are the seats?

  • Reply Cafe Fashionista June 30, 2010 at 7:53 am

    Ah, you look like Cleopatra yourself in that dress. Absolutely gorgeous!! :)

  • Reply Bionica June 30, 2010 at 5:26 pm

    It looks so fun
    Cleopatra is very beautiful

    and I love your dress girl and the necklace =)


  • Reply Larissa July 4, 2010 at 2:14 pm

    I think I need to borrow this dress for the wedding I’m going to in two weeks.

  • Reply Kelsey July 7, 2010 at 2:53 pm

    Vinci — There’s something amazing about the open air theatre, isn’t there? I’m going back soon.

    MizzJ — I went on Saturday so I just missed you.

    Camille — Is there nothing similar in Boston? I’m surprised.

    MC — I’ll be sure to make that suggestion.

    Couture Carrie — That trusty coat is vintage and one of my favourites.

    JanetTaylor — Thank you!

    Erin — I hadn’t been ever. Go this year! I’ve heard Much Ado About Nothing is amazing too.

    AliciaFashionista — I had been meaning to go forever and ever too.

    Irina — They’re like the seats you’d find around a table at a hotel ballroom, if that makes any sense.

    Cafe Fashionista — I was definitely inspired by her, that’s for sure.

    Bionica — Thank you!

    Larissa — Sure thing, jellybean.

  • Reply quelle July 11, 2010 at 12:59 am

    thanks for the tips! i’ve never been, but i shall try when they do romeo+juliet again b/c that’s the only one i’ve ever studied extensively and actually loved.

  • Reply Some things are better with your girlfriends | The Anthology July 26, 2010 at 10:27 pm

    […] Falstaff with my most theatrical friend Katie, instead of my non-synopsis-reading husband. And had the best night […]

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