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Did I go on any rides? – The Anthology

Did I go on any rides?

Not a single one. But when I went to the PNE this weekend, I watched enough Superdogs insanity, lost enough carnival games and ate enough cotton candy to last me through spring 2010.


They say the PNE is the best part of summer, and I might just agree if it didn’t herald the end of that season.

pirate-pneOn a side note, aren’t pirates b-b-b-bad to the bone? Man, I love them.


Speaking of things I love — the farm exhibition part of the equation. It was full of so many adorable piglets and chicks and lambs, I just wanted to scoop them all up and snuggle them for days.


Which is about how long I’m going to be suffering from an overdose of deep-fried oreos.


Would I recommend them? Absolutely. Just not after a dinner of poutine, perogies and pizza.

vancouver pne playland‘Til next year, PNE. ‘Til next year.

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  • Reply Liv August 30, 2009 at 9:59 pm

    How fun! cute pictures. and deep friend oreos – yuck and yum! i’m guessing you didn’t try those deep friend jelly beans after all?

    I wish PNE was open when I took my niece 2 weeks ago but at least i got my dose of carnival fun on the rides and games.

  • Reply Jessica August 30, 2009 at 10:25 pm

    Did you have any of “Those Little Doughnuts?” mMmMmMmmm

  • Reply sofiasophie August 31, 2009 at 12:01 am

    These pics remind me when I was little!

    funny pics and a lots of memories….

  • Reply dreamsequins August 31, 2009 at 8:00 am

    Chicks are awesome… until they become chickens. Then they get eaten. And it’s sad.

  • Reply Kelsey August 31, 2009 at 8:47 am

    Liv — you’re absolutely right — deep-fried oreos are as gross as they are delicious. After the poutine and the pizza and the perogies and the cotton candy we chickened out and didn’t try the deep-friend jelly beans. Maybe next year.

    Jess — you know what the best part about the deep-fried oreos is? They’re basically covered in mini donut batter. So they sort of taste like mini donuts with oreos inside.

    Sofia — Me too! That’s all I was thinking when we were at the PNE — how much it reminded me of being little. Especially at the petting zoo.

    Dreamsequins — ah jeez. Let’s just live in a happy bubble of denial and think only of their adorable fuzziness.

  • Reply Melissa August 31, 2009 at 9:46 am

    You were walking in at the same time as we were walking out on Saturday. Wooden roller coaster, whale tails, cattle penning, Harley Davidson fuzzy blankets, AC/DC trucker hats, corn dogs, baby cows = Fun x 10. I’m sending you my pix from the roller coaster. Had to take them 1/2 standing, holding on with one hand so they weren’t all shaky/blurry!! shhhhh!

  • Reply Gerri Ward August 31, 2009 at 4:42 pm

    OMG! This looks like sooo much FUN!
    Baby chicks and Cotton candy now that’ s SWEET!!!:)

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