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Bat wings and tie dye. – The Anthology

Bat wings and tie dye.

It’s a combination that sounds anything but elegant.


Yet somehow, with this shirt/dress I bought in Turkey, it works.


It’s actually long enough to be worn as a dress (anywhere except the office). But I opted to tuck it into the linen skirt I bought in Dublin when I was visiting my sister there last summer.


Then there’s my amethyst bracelet, which isn’t quite as magic as my power ring, but it’s got to have some sort of special powers, right?


This shot of Leroy is by far my favourite shot of the series. Wasn’t even supposed to be of him.


He really is turning into a poorly behaved beast (technically he’s not allowed on the couch). But not only do I laugh and take pictures when he misbehaves, I snuggle him instead of scolding him.

I will never be an animal trainer.

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  • Reply quelle July 23, 2009 at 8:15 pm

    i love how you styled it! very elegant.

  • Reply Gerri Ward July 23, 2009 at 10:23 pm

    I agree with quelle, the entire outfit is solely elegant!
    The Amethyst bracelet goes hand in hand with your magical power of beauty!

  • Reply lisa July 23, 2009 at 11:39 pm

    Teehee Leroy! Beautiful outfit. I love how you’ve combined pieces you bought during your travels and the items have stories behind them.

  • Reply hauteworld July 24, 2009 at 2:57 am

    You know, I’ve had this recent obsession with batwing-anything. My husband thinks it’s hilarious (probably because I like flapping my arms to prove the point), but so far it’s resulted in me purchasing a cardigan and a jacket type thing.

    Love the tie-dye version you’re wearing! I think it works perfectly, because of the contrast to the tight skirt. I’d be interested in seeing how the top would look like as a dress too.

    And loving the Leroy as usual :)

  • Reply la flore et la faune July 24, 2009 at 3:55 am

    what a stylish batgirl you are

  • Reply dapper kid July 24, 2009 at 10:40 am

    That dress is so wonderfully pretty, I love the tie dye! And I was actually thinking of donating an entire post to the fashion of Bladerunner, it is just so iconic. Hope you’re having a beautiful day dear :)

  • Reply Kelsey July 24, 2009 at 5:47 pm

    Quelle — why thankya.

    Gerri — haha. it’s hardly magic, just good photography.

    Lisa — and you can’t really see them in these photos, but I’m also wearing cuffs from Mexico imprinted with the Mayan calendar.

    Haute — hooray for battiness!

    La flore — what a kind illustrator you are.

    Dapper — do it! I was so inspired after watching Blade Runner I wrote a little post myself: http://the-anthology.com/2009/05/twenty-seven-years-after-it-was-made/

  • Reply la couturier July 25, 2009 at 11:31 am

    Batwings are my all time favorite sleeves (:

    Do enter my Current/Elliott jeans giveaway here (http://lacouturiernyc.wordpress.com/2009/07/25/a-one-year-celebration-giveaway/. Simply write your own “petite novella” (or short fashion fiction) about the outfit you/a character would wear incorporating those jeans & leave it in the comments! Have fun, be creative – you have a week! It can be a sentence long, or a few paragraphs! I would loooove to read your entry!

    La C.

  • Reply Larissa July 28, 2009 at 1:33 pm

    I love tie dye, and yes, you are in for years of lost sandals and glasses (due to dog eating)!!!

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