But judging from these movie stills, I should.
How b-b-b-bad to the bone does young Jack Nicholson look?
Come to think of it, how b-b-b-bad to the bone do they all look? Very. Which is why I want to see the film.
Thank you, Sonja, for sending these stills my way.
I didn’t really like the movie, but Jack is amazing in this movie!
for real?? that’s Jack Nicholson? I would jump that (not the current Jack though)
Bahahaha! You’re going to go rent it now, aren’t you?
Loved the movie! Great sunglasses in the last shot. Particularly Peter Fonda’s.
Did I mention I love his outfit too.
it is a bit old-fashioned (the images, the clothes, the way the actors looks like) It is not a master-piece but it is interesting. It deals with a sad road movie (I love road movies). it opens the beginning of the end of the illusions in the 70’s.
Peter Fonda is very handsom in this film.
Nicholson is amazing indeed (but better in Five easy pieces)
I like the drug-trip with the two whores in the cemetery. (it’s rock and roll and psychedelic)
– Sorry for my bad English.